Monday, December 28, 2009


Author :- Jaymala

‘Practice tests’ or ‘Mock tests’ as we may call it, are digit of the most impor
tant part of a GRE communicating preparation, in fact it’s the most important part of most of the another examinations too, but it highly depends on the quality of the tests available.

Being an engineer, I’ll give only engineering examples; of instruction they strength be applicable for others. The ‘term-tests’ which we have are not in par with the final exams and hence, unanimously neglected.

The fact of the matter is you’ve got excellent CD-tests for GRE, so in the text of Dumbledore “Use it well”.

As the greats say “Play every Practice match as if it were a Final, and endeavor every Final as if it were a Practice match”.

On the same lines “Attempt every handle effort as if it is your final exam, and attempt every final communicating as if it is your handle test”.{Note: In the above sentence the term ‘every final exam’ is used to maintain the rhythm, only digit final GRE communicating is what everybody wants}

Hence, complete concentration is expected during handle tests. Don’t take them lightly; switch off your mobile phones & No music.Now, planning handle tests should be done while taking the GRE date. Ideally you should start your tests 20 life before the exam.

How many tests? 8 is a good number, but it depends on you, your activity and the sort of life you have in hand. Finish all your handle tests, at-least 3-4 life before your exam. Keep a day or two between every test. Work on your weaknesses.

For that a detailed review should be done after every test. Note the kind of mistakes you make, clear all your doubts before giving the next test. Remember how disappointed you are in Sehwag when he gets out in the same fashion in serial matches.

Don’t repeat your mistakes. Eventually, you’ll run out of mistakes, and you’ll improve your scores.

Also, see to it that digit low score never discourages you and digit high score doesn’t lift your feet off the ground. You never know everything. ‘Over/Under’ confidence doesn’t help. In the end, fighting spirit is what counts. Giving up is for losers. Let me end this before it gets too filmy. Topic is open for discussion.